Sail Swallowtail in the homey garden (Iphiclides podalirius)

July 11 2014

Already since a few days I am observing a wonderful Sail swallowtail in my garden in southern Spain

Yesterday he finally found his territory, because the sunflowers are indeed withered, but ….

… already the first blossoms of the wildflowers are to be seen:

Now it looks like as he posed for me, , but the truth is, that he ….

… again and again had to rest, because a few meddlesome Chalk-blues also would like to live in this territory. But this the Sail Swallowtail didn's accept at all and chased them time and again:

We'll see, if I shall be able to observe this wonderful Butterfly also during the next days!

Best regards

Birgit Kremer

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