Saline of Bonanza and Marsh area of the Guadalquivir
February 27 2011

Dear reader!

We quite frequently had seen Slender Billed Gulls at the Saline of Bonanza, but always only individuals. But last weekend there were about 150 individuals:

Most were in couples on the way, picked by swimming their footage out of the saline basin:

It was great fun to watch these elegant little Gulls:

Here a banded one. Unfortunately the ring number is not to be read for sure:

Also numerous Red Shanks were there at the Saline area:

Their beautiful melodious calls joined us during the whole trip:

Also hundreds of Pied Avocets we saw, but mostly from a far distance and the picture of a flock of about 50 Shelducks flying in the direction of Doñana-Park unfortunately I also could not catch these with the camera.

Among the numerous Slender Billed - and Black Headed Gulls there were two Caspian Terns. Here is one of them:

Spring is coming in the Marsh areas of the Guadalquivir! Everywhere frog croaks are to be heard.

What concerts the nature is giving to us!

At Sanlúcar the House Martins are busy flying in their nests and here in the Marsh areas Barn Swallows are busy carrying nesting material:

A Heron overflew a small Snowy Plover colony:

The little Snowy Plover prefer to take flight, but ….

… finally came along quite well:

We could not discover a singly Osprey again. Are they all on the way home already? One Buzzards is circling attentionally over his territory:

In this small group of White Spoonbills we discovered one with a read band. Unfortunately the distance was too far to check:

And representative for the lot of Glossy Ibis who stayed at the Marsh area, is this cute guy:

An area just to take a break from everyday life!

Best regards


All photos ©copyright by Birgit Kremer
webmaster Sabine Börsch