Viperine snake takes sunbath (Southern Spain)

August 31 2016

Dear reader!

By pure coincidence I discovered this Natrix maura (Viperine snake) at a river on a rock. And she was not alone! A Dragonfly was landing again and again on her body und both took sun bath!

"Listen, damselfly, you are not serious, are you?"

But already the dragonfly had landed, obviously in good faith …

… this would be a rock, because …

… colourwise the Viperine Snake was perfectly adapted to her surrounding:

Sunbath makes thirsty:

Such a beautiful animal …

… how elegant she moved!

I also prepared a small video, which you could watch here (please in HD)

Natrix maura

Best regards

Birgit Kremer

All photos ©copyright by Birgit Kremer
webmaster Sabine Börsch